Apply for the call ONLY IF:
  1. You have watched the mini-training video completely.
  2. You have resonated with the concepts shared.
  3. Having a Parenting Coach is the right fit for you at this stage of your Life.
  4. Investing your money in a mentorship journey to transform your parenting, doesn't hamper your basic needs).

If your application gets through, we will reach out to you on your Whatsapp Number with further details.

We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We just want to help you by giving great content, direction and strategies that worked well for us and our students and that we believe can move you forward. All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed on We feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. We hope this training and content brings you a lot of value.